
Support your favorite creators and benefit!

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#12 Leonardo

Art by Dicaprio

Creators & Influencers

Creators & Influencers

Celebrity Token | Premium Weekly NFTs

Smart NFTs

Smart NFTs

Vouchers | Loyalty | Certificates

Events & Community

Events & Community

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Web3 Ecosystem

Bonuz App

Bonuz App

Turn-key solution for creators, brands, celebrities, events, and communities to interact, communicate, and engage with their target audience.



Exclusive metaverse experiences individually designed and created to interact and engage with the audience more directly.

Bonuz App
Bonuz Pad
Bonuz Store
Bonuz Store

Bonuz Store

Built-in marketplace for selling creators, celebrity, and brands exclusivelly generated NFTs.

Bonuz Pad

Bonuz Pad

Platform for purchasing exclusive life-time subscriptions (tokens) of creators, celebrities, and brands.

What Are You Waiting For? Sign Up Today!

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